Who Is G. Edward Griffin, Beck's Expert On The Federal Reserve?
Written by Sean Easter
On his Fox News show, Glenn Beck presented author G. Edward Griffin as a credible authority on the Federal Reserve. But Griffin has an extensive history of promoting wild conspiracy theories, including the notions that HIV does not exist and that cancer is a dietary deficiency that can be cured with “an essential food compound.”
Griffin Peddles Quack Cancer Remedy He Claims Has Been Covered Up By “Medical Establishment”
Griffin: There's No Such Thing As HIV -- “The Immunodeficiencies Are Caused By The Treatment”
Griffin Film Claims Vapor Trails Left By Jets Are Actually A “Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup”
Griffin: Goal Of FEMA, DHS During Katrina Response Was “Not To Res[c]ue People, But To Control Them”
Griffin Is “Convinced” That “Oswald Was Not JFK's Assassin”
Griffin's Trutherism: Flight 93 Was Shot Down By U.S Military Fighter
Beck: Griffin Is The Author Of “Fascinating Book On The Fed”
Beck: "[H]ave You Read" Griffin's The Creature From Jekyll Island? “If Not, Read It.” From Beck's March 25 Fox News show:
BECK: Tonight, as part of our E4 focus this year, we're going to delve into E2 and get educated on the Fed.
G. Edward Griffin, he is author of this book. And if one more person hands me this book -- I -- really, I'm going to snap. Because I get this from so many -- I go out, and people are like, “Have you read this book?” Yes, I have.
May I recommend -- have you read this book? If not, read it. It is The Creature from Jekyll Island. It is a fascinating book on the Fed. The author is one of our guests tonight. [Fox News, Glenn Beck, 3/25/11]
Griffin Peddles Quack Cancer Remedy He Claims Has Been Covered Up By “Medical Establishment”
Griffin's “Final Answer” To The “Cancer Riddle” Is “An Essential Food Compound” Called “Vitamin B17” or “Laetrile.” From a page on one of Griffin's websites, RealityZone.com, describing his book World Without Cancer: The Story Of Vitamin B17:
Mr. Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease -- like scurvy or pellagra -- aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile. This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer riddle. [RealityZone.com, accessed 3/26/11]
Griffin: “Orthodox Medicine” Has “Waged War” Against Cure Because Of “Hidden Economic And Power Agenda.” From RealityZone.com:
Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non drug approach? The author contends that the answer is to be found, not in science, but in politics -- and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment. This is is the most complete and authoritative treatise available on this topic. [RealityZone.com, accessed 3/26/11]
Medical Prof. Lerner: Laetrile Is “Unquestionably The Slickest, Most Sophisticated, And Certainly The Most Remunerative Cancer Quack Promotion In Medical History.” From a 1981 journal article by Dr. Irving J. Lerner, who was a clinical associate professor of medicine at the University of Minnesota at the time:
Quack remedies for cancer have thrived outside the fringe of conventional medical therapy since at least the beginning of the nation. In the earlier part of this century, the Koch antitoxins, the Hoxsey method, and particularly the Krebiozen treatments, were just a few of the many promotions that flourished, were then exposed, and eventually abandoned. All prior forms of cancer quackery, however, pale in comparison with the laetrile crusade, unquestionably the slickest, most sophisticated, and certainly the most remunerative cancer quack promotion in medical history. [CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, March/April 1981]
Griffin: There's No Such Thing As HIV -- “The Immunodeficiencies Are Caused By The Treatment”
Griffin: “There Isn't Even Such A Thing As HIV. ... The Immunodeficiencies Are Caused By The Treatment.” From an October 2010 interview on the “Truth Be Told Radio” show on BlogTalkRadio.com:
GRIFFIN: From the very beginning, I was suspicious about this whole HIV story, and I didn't know in the beginning, but it didn't take long after some serious researchers had gotten into it and published their findings, it became obvious to me. You talk about a wacko theory, here it comes. There isn't even such a thing as HIV. HIV virus, standing for virus, doesn't even exist. It's -- think of what those letters stand for.
GRIFFIN: So, that's what it is. It's an immunodeficiency, but there's no virus. The immunodeficiencies are caused by the treatment, the drugs that they give people to try and treat the AIDS. That's what kills the immune system. And what a shocking thought that is, that people who have an immune deficiency, maybe because of some other factor such as nutritional factors -- maybe -- you know, a lot of drug addicts develop this syndrome. Why? Well, we know that a drug addict traditionally has a terrible diet, and the drugs themselves are destructive of the immune system.
GRIFFIN: And I'll just say one more thing and then let the real experts take over, is, my understanding is that all these pictures that you can find of the HIV or the virus are artist's renditions. There's never been a photograph, an electron microscope, or anything else that photographed a virus called HIV, mainly because it doesn't exist. It's theorized. It's a theoretical virus. [BlogTalkRadio.com, 10/13/10 (beginning at 22:45)]
Griffin Film Claims Vapor Trails Left By Jets Are Actually A “Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup”
Film Claims We Are “Being Sprayed With Toxic Substances Without Our Consent” And “They Are Lying To Us About It.” From a page on Griffin's site RealityZone.com, describing What in the World Are They Spraying? The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup, which was co-produced by Griffin:
By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: WHO is doing this and WHY. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called Geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water -- all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 -- and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it. Do not watch this documentary if you have high blood pressure. [RealityZone.com, accessed 3/26/11]
Griffin: Goal Of FEMA, DHS During Katrina Response Was “Not To Res[c]ue People, But To Control Them”
Griffin: “Their Objective Was To Bring The Entire Area Under The Control Of The Federal Government.” From an “analysis” by Griffin on another of his websites, FreedomForceInternational.org:
There has been widespread criticism of the response of US officials to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005. The tone of these complaints is that the authorities failed to do their job quickly enough. Some commentators have said this is a racial issue, claiming that the government would have acted more promptly if the majority of victims had been white instead of black. Others have said it was an issue of the rich against the poor, the oil companies against the consumers, the land developers and contractors seeking to force people out of the city so they can rebuild without interference at taxpayers' expense. Democrats have said the problem is that Republicans were in control, and Republicans are indifferent to the plight of the common man.
In news coverage of this tragedy, the most significant events often were buried beneath a blanket of heart-wrenching stories of personal survival, scenes of awesome destruction, reports of looting, and interviews with experts. However, the key to understanding can be found in the following list of news headlines, most of which did not make it into mainstream coverage. These reports make it clear that the government did not fail to respond in a timely fashion. The problem was that it did respond -- but in such a way as to actually hinder rescue operations. There were too many instances for this to be merely a mistake or a bureaucratic snafu. There is a clear pattern here that cannot be denied. Why this should be so will be discussed in a moment, but first, here is the amazing record.
It was clear from the start that the goal of FEMA and Homeland Security was, not to resue [sic] people, but to control them. Their directive was to relocate families and businesses, confiscate property, commandeer goods, direct labor and services, and establish martial law. This is what they have been trained to do. The reason they failed to carry out an effective rescue operation is that this was not their primary mission, and the reason they blocked others from doing so is that any operations not controlled by the central authority are contrary to their directives. Their objective was to bring the entire area under the control of the federal government -- and this they succeeded in doing very well.
While the world is preoccupied with trying to fix the blame for the government's failure in New Orleans, the reality is that it did not fail at all. It was a huge success in promoting its own agenda. Unfortunately, that agenda was not to rescue American citizens. Once this simple fact is understood, everything that happened in the wake of Katrina becomes understandable and logical.
If there are new terrorist attacks against the United States or Great Britain or any other country, what we witnessed in New Orleans may have been but a fleeting glimpse into the future of global collectivism. [FreedomForceInternational.org, updated 9/30/05]
Griffin Is “Convinced” That “Oswald Was Not JFK's Assassin”
Griffin: “I Am Convinced From The Evidence I Have Seen That Oswald Was Not JFK's Assassin.” From an email response by Griffin that he published on FreedomForceInternational.org:
Hello Skip.
You have made a huge leap of logic. I do not defend Israel nor do I challenge many of the facts you presented in your email. You asked my opinion of the Protocols, not of bankers, the JFK assassination, 9/11, or current affairs. If you had asked my opinion of any of those, my answer would have been fairly close to your own analysis, but certainly not on all points. For example, you say you have a photograph of Oswald in the doorway of the depository building at the moment JFK was shot. Even if the time of the photo could be proved (which it cannot) do you really think that proves the Protocols are authentic? By the way, I am convinced from the evidence I have seen that Oswald was not JFK's assassin, but what has that to do with the authenticity of the Protocols? You will discredit yourself if you try to dump these two issues into the same bag without very substantial evidence, which you have not presented. [FreedomForceInternational.org, updated 1/28/09]
Griffin's Trutherism: Flight 93 Was Shot Down By U.S Military Fighter
Griffin: “There Is An Impressive Body Of Evidence That, On 9/11, United Flight 93 That Crashed In A Field In Pennsylvania Was Shot Down By A U.S. Military Fighter In Spite Of Official Denial.” From a 2005 article by Griffin on FreedomForceInternational.org:
There is an impressive body of evidence that, on 9/11, United Flight 93 that crashed in a field in Pennsylvania was shot down by a U.S. military fighter in spite of official denial. It has been speculated that, when its flight path headed back to Washington, decisive action was taken.
What can we conclude from all this? While the evidence is compelling, it is not conclusive. The facts are still trickling in and, if eventually it is proved that Flight 93 was shot down on orders from above, it will be doubly painful in view of the legendary “let's roll” heroism of the passengers. Of course, that still would not detract from their unquestionable heroism, nor would it mean that whoever issued the order acted improperly. In fact, most people would agree that it would have been the right thing to do. The public is dismayed at the fact that fighter jets failed to respond soon enough to prevent the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, but what is usually not discussed in connection with this is that, if they had arrived in time, they would have been expected to shoot down those flights as well. Otherwise, there would be no reason for the pursuit. So why would the government cover up the facts? [G. Edward Griffin, “Flight 93: 'Let's Roll,'” 2005]