Surprise! Glenn Beck's Webpage Concocts More Lies

Out with the old, in with the new, right?

Here's what's noteworthy about the brazen falsehood published by Beck's site, The Blaze, over the weekend: Beck's team blatantly lied about the contents of a video that The Blaze itself posted. Meaning, The Blaze's Obama-related headline was a complete fabrication, and all readers had to do was watch the accompanying video to have the lie revealed.

But Obama Derangement Syndrome rarely lets contradiction like that get in the way, which is why I doubt many conservative Blaze readers even caught onto the ruse.

For the record, here was the headline that billboarded the site on Sunday:

IT'S JOBS, STUPID: DNC Chair Kaine Admits Obama Was Too Busy With Wars and ObamaCare to Care About American Jobs

Slight hitch: Watch the video of Kaine being interviewed on CNN and you'll see that the DNC Chair never made any kind of admission regarding Obama and jobs. In fact, CNN host Ed Henry specifically tried to get Kaine to concede that Obama was so preoccupied with wars and health care reform that he wasn't able to properly focused on creating jobs. Kaine though, pointedly refused to make that admission.

So what did Beck's site do? It concocted a headline anchored by a lie, and then posted a TV clip that disproved the lie.

Behold “conservative journalism.”