In The Middle Of Rant About Economic Collapse, Beck Hawks Coffee Mugs For $17.95

Yesterday, Glenn Beck was claiming that we are on the verge of economic collapse and the "perfect storm." He also told viewers: “I'm going to tell you something that I did in my own business today about this. I put my money where my mouth is. I think there's a lot of people on TV that don't believe a damn word they say. I do.”

We weren't sure what Beck meant. He didn't really explain it. But it can't just mean that Beck is going to continue to use his Fox News TV show as a scheme to make more money for himself even as his show bleeds advertising money for his bosses, can it? Beck thinks cash will soon be "toilet paper," so why accumulate more of it?

But in reviewing yesterday's show, I noticed an odd thing. Beck prominently displayed a “truth has no agenda” mug. Why would Beck do that? Perhaps it's because you can buy that mug for $17.95 on (If you buy three, you even qualify for free shipping.)

Beck's mug

Bonus: Watch Beck drink from his “truth has no agenda” mug below the fold.