Beck Rally Sparks Concerns For Fox, Some Conservatives

As Glenn Beck's much-discussed Aug. 28 rally looms this weekend, Politico takes a good look at what Beck's real motive might be and how the handling of the event has some on the right concerned, including his employers at Fox News.

Scribes Kenneth P. Vogel and Giovanni Russonello contend questions have arisen for some conservatives about whether Beck is making the event too much about himself:

Even as he prepares for a Saturday rally that could cement his status as an unparalleled force in conservative politics, Glenn Beck is facing quiet but persistent questions from some on the right about whether he can be a reliable partner for advancing conservative causes -- or whether his main cause is advancing Glenn Beck.

The piece also noted:

The rally will be keynoted by prospective 2012 GOP presidential candidate Sarah Palin and is being supported by a host of influential conservative groups and politicians, some of whom are planning political events before and after the rally. But Beck has insisted “Restoring Honor” is apolitical and has urged his followers to leave political signs at home.

Beck has received financial and promotional assistance for the rally from the National Rifle Association, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and leading Tea Party groups such as FreedomWorks, Tea Party Patriots and Americans for Prosperity.

Politico went on to note Fox News's carefull tightrope related to coverage of the event:

Fox News has kept its distance from the rally, announcing it will not air the event, but will instead cover it as “a news event.”

Fox executive Bill Shine told Politico that the network doesn't even plan to carry Palin's speech live. And he said that, though Beck has talked about the event on his Fox show, “there is no organized promotion planned for the rally on Fox News and the network has nothing to do with it.”

As Media Matters noted earlier today, however, Fox News has given Beck plenty of space to promote the event.