Beck Cranks Up His Obama Hatred, Courts WorldNetDaily Readers

When Glenn Beck infamously called President Obama a “racist” on Fox News, it resulted in a campaign that persuaded more than 300 advertisers to disassociate themselves from his Fox News show. One can assume that kind of reaction may have resulted in more than one conversation with Fox News management about toning it down a little.

Times change, TV deals expire, and the time for toning down has apparently ended. On his radio show today prior to his final Fox News broadcast, Beck provided a taste of what we can expect from a Glenn Beck operation unencumbered by a Fox News contract: anti-Obama rage dialed up to levels unseen since his “racist” rant, and eyeing the readers of the birther-obsessed right-wing website WorldNetDaily as potential GBTV subscribers.

In just the first hour alone of his radio show, Beck:

  • Asserted that Obama “showed his sheer, unadulterated disgust for the wealthy, the successful, and anyone who's ever tried to do anything with their life here in America” and that he “has launched an unprecedented class warfare in this country.”
  • Asked his audience to “think of your country as your daughter,” and then said Obama “is dating our country, and he's abusing it.”
  • Said of Obama: “Here we are at war, he grows up in a Muslim country. ... It's like, hello? I'm not gonna -- wait. He grew up in Germany during World War II, and a lot of his friends seem to have Nazi-like tendencies? We're not going to ask about the guy who now refuses to be called Mr. President but Herr President?” Beck then asserted that “we'd only ask” about Obama's background “if he were a different color.”
  • Asked how a person “who wasn't from a wealthy family” could have gotten into “the most expensive private high school in Hawaii,” as well as Occidental College, Columbia, and Harvard, and asked to see “a shred of evidence that you even attended the school.” After playing an clip of Obama reading from his book Dreams From My Father, Beck mocked Obama's pronunciation of “Chicanos” and said the audio clip "[s]ounds almost like everything we're hearing out of the Muslim Brotherhood."
  • Sneered at Obama's discussion of “responsible families” and said: “Tell me how a responsible family acts. Does mom tell everybody to eat carrots while she pigs out on french fries?”
  • Falsely claimed that “the only reason” Obama “saw the beach down at the Gulf oil spill is because” he “took a vacation.” (Obama visited at least three times before he swam in the Gulf with his daughter while vacationing in Florida.)

Hey, what is Fox News going to do to Beck at this point, fire him? Then again, Eric Bolling still has a job.

Meanwhile, Beck has apparently identified the target audience for his new GBTV. Earlier today, Beck rented the WorldNetDaily mailing list to send out an email alerting readers to today's Fox News finale and beg for subscriptions for GBTV:

Join GBTV! If you are one of the many who have become tired of calling your Congressman and getting no result - GBTV is the place for you. GBTV is not just a place to view shows you love; it's a way to get involved and to turn ideas into action. The sensational scandals and partisan bickering will be left to others and GBTV, led by the viewer, will move forward and find real solutions. Get in on the ground floor and get started turning this country around - without the help of the federal government.

beck wnd

The irony here is that while WND hates Obama as much (if not more) than Beck does, sells Beck's books and has even touted Beck's endorsement of Joel Richardson's WND-published book The Islamic Antichrist, there's a major split between the two on the birther issue. WND editor Joseph Farah has denounced Beck for mocking birthers.

Nevertheless, Beck clearly knows who he thinks will support his fledging GBTV operation. They're the same people who follow a news source that is rife with misinformation, that can't stop believing in the bogus Michelle Obama “whitey” tape, that pals around with “pro-White” radio hosts, and whose CEO loves to complain he's being ignored by Fox News (except when he isn't).

No wonder Beck is so happy to free himself from Fox News -- it seems he'd rather take money from people who think Fox News isn't conservative enough.