Beck: Bush alone fighting “World War III,” while Gore worries that "[t]he ice is starting to melt in Greenland"

On his CNN Headline News show, Glenn Beck proclaimed that recent violence in the Middle East and India are evidence that “we've got World War III to fight,” and also warned of “the impending apocalypse.” Beck added that President Bush is facing the threat “by himself,” while former Vice President Al Gore is more concerned with the fact that "[t]he ice is starting to melt in Greenland."

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On the July 12 edition of his CNN Headline News program, Glenn Beck cited recent violence in the Middle East and India as evidence that “we've got World War III to fight,” while also warning of “the impending apocalypse.” After Beck compared the current situation to “1938, World War II,” former CIA case officer Robert Baer agreed that "[t]his is like Hitler taking over Czechoslovakia." Beck added that President Bush is facing the threat “by himself,” while former Vice President Al Gore is more concerned with the fact that "[t]he ice is starting to melt in Greenland."

Sticking with his World War II analogy, Beck said: “Hollywood, clean your ears out and listen up. You are the first in line for the gas chambers if they ever win. You're the one who are producing a lot of the trash that's spilling out into their cave that's hacking them off.” Beck and Baer finished the segment by listing countries and putting them in the category of “friend, foe, or ally.” Both agreed that Belgium is a foe and Beck said: “I mean, they're putting something addictive in their waffles, I believe.”

From the July 12 edition of CNN Headline News' Glenn Beck:

BECK: Hey, everybody. Hurry up; we've got World War III to fight. Yes, it is the end of days. Isn't it?


Here's what I do know about World War III and the impending apocalypse. One, we can't coexist with people who want to blow up trains and subways and bring down buildings. If somebody has a death wish, not really the best negotiating partner.

I also know that whether you like it or not, this is a religious war. Radical Muslims want to wipe everybody else off the face of the earth. And let me tell you something: Hollywood, clean your ears out and listen up. You are the first in line for the gas chambers if they ever win. You're the one who are producing a lot of the trash that's spilling out into their cave that's hacking them off.

Also, I know that people don't want to believe the worst. That's why more people aren't on the bandwagon. People are in denial. They don't want to think that we're facing something horrible. They want it to go away so we can all get back to our lives.

But listen to me, it is bad. And it's not just us. It's the whole Western way of life that is in trouble. That's why we need to get on that World War III bandwagon.

Now, here's what I don't know. I don't know if there are enough world leaders out there that actually have a spine anymore. Where are the real leaders? Not a lot of people are leading. That's not a real good place to be. Where's Churchill? Where's -- where's FDR?

You know -- I know we have, I know we have George Bush. He's doing it by himself. I mean, Tony Blair is doing good, too, but is that enough?

I also don't know what it's going to take to get people to wake up. My gosh, we were wide awake after 9-11. We've all gone back to sleep. We almost lost World War II because of apathy and denial. Please, let's not let it happen again.


BECK: Would you agree with me that World War III -- that we're here?

BAER: Oh, we've already, we've already started it.

BECK: Yeah, well I think we're 1938, World War II. It hasn't, it hasn't really hit yet where people are like, “Oh I get it, we've got to fight.” Would you agree?

BAER: This is like Hitler taking over Czechoslovakia. That's the stage we're at right now.

BECK: Right, right. OK. Do you believe -- please say yes -- do you believe it can be avoided?

BAER: No, we're going into a war. We have to brace ourself. It's coming.


BECK: Right. Here's the thing. Here's the thing that I think people don't really understand. If you go -- can show, bring the map of World War II -- I'm sorry, World War III. The theatres of war. This is a map of the entire world of every place that has been hit since 9-11 by a terrorist activity. You can see there in red. And unfortunately, too many people will look at this -- for instance, Al Gore would look at this map and say, “Oh, yeah, I see that's what happening here. The ice is starting to melt in Greenland.” I mean, they just don't get it, do they?


BECK: I've got only a minute here. Can you bring up the -- let's go friend, foe or ally. France. Friend, foe, or ally? I say they're foe.

BAER: Ally, sort of. Ally.

BECK: Oh, come on.

BAER: No. They're scared. They're scared. No, Glenn, they're scared.

BECK: England. You know what? England is a friend and an ally, wouldn't you say?

BAER: Absolutely. Friend and ally.

BECK: Russia? Friend or ally? Or foe?

BAER: Foe.

BECK: Yeah, I agree with you. India? Just an ally?

BAER: An ally of sorts.

BECK: Yeah, I think so, too. Saudi Arabia?

BAER: Saudi Arabia is a foe.

BECK: I agree with you. China? Foe.

BAER: Foe, absolutely. They're arming these guys.

BECK: Belgium? Clearly foe.

BAER: Foe.

BECK: I mean, they're putting something addictive in their waffles, I believe. Turkey?

BAER: Turkey's a foe.

BECK: I agree with you.