Fox correspondent Geraldo Rivera calls the whistleblower who flagged Trump's promise a deep state punk snitch
Rivera: “This is annoying. This is a punk, a punk who's snitching out the president's phone calls to a foreign leader. ... You got all these, you know, deep state people listening in.”
From the September 20 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends
STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): Geraldo, we just had Michael Caputo on, and he was talking about this whistleblower leak situation because he himself had been the subject of a number of leaks in a number of big newspapers. He said that what he's read is the fact that apparently this was somebody from the intel community, the whistleblower was, who has now left the administration, and his suggestion is it was probably somebody, a holdover from the Obama administration. And this is his glancing blow on the way out the door.
GERALDO RIVERA (FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT-AT-LARGE): Regardless of what he worked for, who he worked for before, this is annoying, this is a punk, a punk who's snitching out the president's phone calls to a foreign leader. Imagine that the president, our leader, is talking to the leader of another country. And you got all these, you know, deep state people listening in and the first chance they get they run to Adam Schiff and say, hey, you know, we have this urgent, serious leak.