Stupid, even for Gateway Pundit

Obama Derangement Syndrome produces some really doozies. Take a look at what feral blogger Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit floated over the weekend:

Obama Goes Golfing as Nashville Suffers From Biggest Disaster Since Civil War

See the logic? Obama went golfing at Saturday, May 8, and Nashville suffered an historic flood the previous Saturday and Sunday, May 1 and May 2, therefore....Well, I guess you're supposed to fill in the blank.

I guess you're supposed to grip your head in anger that the POTUS went golfing 140 hours after a big American city got hit by a massive flood. And yes, Obama went golfing many days after Tennessee's governor praised the federal government's relief effort for Nashville and middle Tennessee. (“I've never seen this kind of effort.”)

Like I said, this is stupid even for Jim Hoft, which is really saying something.