Jesse Watters says “there will be voter fraud” in every election outside of Florida
From the November 7, 2023, edition of Fox News' Jesse Watters Primetime
JESSE WATTERS (HOST): It's Election Day in an off year. But there's a lot of action on the local level. Plus, it gives them a dry run when no one's watching for the presidential. Are you confident the election is going to be safe and secure? I'm confident that it's going to be that way in Florida because they have voter ID, no harvesting, they count the votes ahead of time, and they give you the results that night. But we need confidence in every state or else we lose faith. When there's fraud, and, yes, there will be voter fraud, it needs to be investigated, invalidated, and prosecuted.
In Springfield, Massachusetts, Justin Hearst is running for mayor and he's been accused of paying people to vote for him. A surveillance video allegedly shows the candidate dropping voters off at City Hall for early voting. The voters then come back out, show their "I Voted Early" sticker and then get paid cash. The candidate then pulls his car back up and picks up the voters who just got paid. Hearst denies it.