Fox's John Rich: Democrats' agenda is meant to bring “destruction” so they can “fully control” America
Rich: “Why are people in our government, places of power, who obviously lean communist at least with their policies, why are they doing this? Because this is going to destroy things.”
From the October 1, 2021, edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom
DANA PERINO (CO-ANCHOR): Bill, critics are slamming President Biden's new tax plan for what some are calling a financial spying operation. The requirements mean that the IRS would track activities in every single American's bank account with at least $600 leading to concerns this could destroy financial privacy. Here to weigh in John Rich, country singer of course, and host of The Pursuit with John Rich on Fox Business. They've got some good interviews coming up which I want to see, but let me get your take on this, I don't think people realized that this was in the bill. And this could effect every single American, to be able to look into your bank account for any sort of transaction that you're doing.
JOHN RICH (FOX BUSINESS HOST): Is that right? Sounds a lot like communism to me. That is verbatim, Dana, what they do in communist China, verbatim. That is right out of the playbook in communist China. You ask yourself what have communists ever successfully ruled over in the history of communism? What have they only ever ruled over? Burning piles of destruction, despair, failure, unhappiness. That's all they've ever ruled over. So, you ask yourself, why are people in our government, places of power, who obviously lean communist at least with their policies, why are they doing this? Because this is going to destroy things. Why is our border wide open? Why did we just arm the Taliban in Afghanistan? Why are we devaluing the dollar? Why are we going to spy on everybody's bank account? Because that brings along with it destruction as you was just laying out. They've got to destroy America, Dana, before they can fully control it. And I know that's a big statement but don't listen to what they say, watch what they're doing. This is both sides of the aisle by the way. There's a lot of Republicans out there that I've actually raised money for over the years, that I have supported that I no longer support, because they say one thing and they do another thing and we're paying for it right now.