Fox News host defends Republican Sen. Rick Scott's plan that would sunset Medicare and Social Security

Brian Kilmeade: “Rick Scott did this crazy thing and said Social Security is going to be bankrupt in 10 years. So he said we have to look at this and reform it.  ... Rick Scott was actually being responsible but politically it was detrimental.”

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From the February 8, 2023, edition of Fox News' Fox and Friends

BRIAN KILMEADE (FOX HOST): Kevin McCarthy in the afternoon said Medicare and Social Security are not in the conversation when it comes to the debt ceiling. Number two, it was Rick Scott. Rick Scott did this crazy thing and said Social Security is going to be bankrupt in 10 years. So he said we have to look at this and reform it.  And they said oh, we got a talking point for the midterms. But actually, Rick Scott was actually being responsible but politically it was detrimental.

There can be no doubt that Sen. Rick Scott's plan – which is very popular in right-wing media – sunsets Medicare and Social Security. Just compare Fox hosts, particularly Brian Kilmeade, above to Fox anchor John Roberts previously questioning Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL):