JUAN WILLIAMS (CO-HOST): I don't think most people, I don't think most Americans, even Trump supporters think Donald Trump really knows a lot about how to combat terrorism.
ERIC BOLLING (CO-HOST): I'll tell you about who doesn't know a whole lot about terrorism, is President Obama. And he's proven that over the last eight years. Remember when he said “I want to lead from behind,” he said --
WILLIAMS: He never said “I want to lead from behind.”
BOLLING: -- “Let's pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq.”
KIMBERLY GUILFOLYE (CO-HOST): The “jay vee team.”
BOLLING: -- “Jay vee team.” He's failed on every level as far as counter-terror all the way through.
WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.
BOLLING: And if you point to Bin Laden, that wasn't Obama's administration that got Bin Laden.
WILLIAMS: It wasn't?
BOLLING: That was the Bush administration that set up the kill shot, and Obama took the kill shot.
WILLIAMS: Up to then, I was listening to you. But goodness gracious, you went overboard.