Fox host Napolitano also pushed 9-11 conspiracy theory in May
Written by Eric Hananoki
Fox Business host Andrew Napolitano, under fire for his claim last week that the government is lying about the attacks on September 11, also said in May that we “should be suspicious” of the government's account. As evidence, Napolitano said that the government has a history of lying and cited as an example that it is now “taken for granted that the government was involved in some way in the assassination of JFK.”
Appearing on the May 10 edition of Future Quake, a radio program that airs on WENO (Nashville, TN), Napolitano was asked by co-host “Dr. Future,” “Given the history you've shared in your book of our history and our government's actions, wouldn't it be prudent for us to be suspicious of the official government story of what happened on the day of 9-11?” Napolitano replied, “Yes it would”:
NAPOLITANO: Yes it would. We should be suspicious of whatever the government tells us. And I'll give you an example of why.
On November 24, 1963, if someone had suggested that agents of the government had been involved in the murder of the president the day before, they would have either been silenced if they suggested it as an authority figure or with some evidence, or they would have been laughed at as crackpots. Today, forty years later, it is taken for granted that the government was involved in some way in the assassination of JFK. I have friends who are in the intelligence community who will swear to me on the Bible that their predecessors in the intelligence community plotted, planned, and participated in his execution.
And people say, well you know what, he's dead, his family is dead, it's too late,the people who did it are probably dead. I suspect we will have an attitude like that about 9-11 at some point in the future and all of that is because the government lies and we let them get away with the lying, and lying has become part of our culture, and the government is immunized when it does it, and we expect them to do it again.
Prior to the 9-11 discussion, Napolitano also cited another example of the government lying about a major attack. Napolitano said he believed President Franklin D. Roosevelt “knowingly maneuvered the Japanese into bombing Pearl Harbor ... he let 2,700 innocent American soldiers and sailors become incinerated” so he could enter World War II (which Napolitano said was a just war). Napolitano added that if the public knew FDR “caused” Pearl Harbor, he probably would have been impeached.
As Media Matters has documented, on November 23, Napolitano told 9-11 “inside job” conspiracy theory leader Alex Jones that it's “hard for me to believe that” World Trade Center Building 7 “came down by itself” and that “twenty years from now, people will look at 9-11 the way we look at the assassination of JFK today. It couldn't possibly have been done the way the government told us.”
In the past, Fox News has run countless segments in which hosts have condemned 9-11 conspiracy theorists. Now, however, Fox News has said nothing publicly on-air and off-air about Napolitano.
From the May 10 edition of Future Quake [full show here]:
DR. FUTURE: But I have to ask you something here Judge related to this. The extensive data on war, since we've brought this up again, that you confirm in your book shines a light on sort of the elephant in the room that we cannot ignore. Something more current. If our government has viewed war throughout history as an opportunity to expand its power and will deceive us to enter into it, as you well document over a number of incidents over our history, we recently began such a war to produce the war on terror, the Patriot Act, Guantanamo Bay, and other usurpations of power.
Given the history you've shared in your book of our history and our government's actions, wouldn't it be prudent for us to be suspicious of the official government story of what happened on the day of 9-11?
NAPOLITANO: Yes it would -
DR. FUTURE: In 2001.
NAPOLITANO: Yes it would. We should be suspicious of whatever the government tells us. And I'll give you an example of why.
On November 24, 1963, if someone had suggested that agents of the government had been involved in the murder of the president the day before, they would have either been silenced if they suggested it as an authority figure or with some evidence, or they would have been laughed at as crackpots. Today, forty years later, it is taken for granted that the government was involved in some way in the assassination of JFK. I have friends who are in the intelligence community who will swear to me on a Bible that their predecessors in the intelligence community plotted, planned, and participated in his execution.
And people say, well you know what, he's dead, his family is dead, it's too late,the people who did it are probably dead. I suspect we will have an attitude like that about 9-11 at some point in the future and all of that is because the government lies and we let them get away with the lying, and lying has become part of our culture, and the government is immunized when it does it, and we expect them to do it again.