Did Fox News really downplay down the Quran-burning story?

According to the WashPost's Howard Kurtz, Fox News practically ignored the simmering controversy [emphasis added]:

Fox News, which often gets criticized for excessive coverage of minor scandals, took the journalistic high road this week.

While the tale of the Koran-hating pastor spread like wildfire across the media landscape, Fox deliberately doused the drama by playing it down.

I guess that depends on how you define “playing it down.”

While it's true that Fox News covered the story less often than CNN and MSNBC, Fox News this week has mentioned “Quran” (or “Koran”) more than 90 times, according to the 24/7 monitoring site TVeyes.com. That's 15 mentions per-day.

Among the programs that have covered the story (often multiple times) were Fox & Friends, The O'Reilly Factor, America's Newsroom, America Live, Red Eye, Glenn Beck, Fox Report with Shepard Smith, Special Report with Brett Baier, and On The Record with Greta Van Susteren.

I'm not sure that qualifies as playing the story down, let alone taking the "journalistic high road.'