A Clinton-Obsessed Conspiracy Theorist Is Behind Benghazi Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton

Larry Klayman Has Previously Accused Clintons Of “Orchestrating The Murders Of Several Of Their Associates,” Claimed President Obama Was “Our First Muslim President”

Clinton-obsessed conspiracy theorist, Larry Klayman, has filed a lawsuit on behalf of two of the families victimized by the September 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

The lawsuit, which alleges “that Clinton’s negligence was directly responsible for Smith’s and Woods’ death,” also includes charges of “defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress.” Fox News has repeatedly hosted both of the family members mentioned in the lawsuit, Patricia Smith and Charles Woods, to attack Hillary Clinton and Smith was also a featured speaker at the Republican National Convention, where she said “I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son.”

Media Matters has previously documented Klayman’s litigious Clinton obsession, which includes a “dubious lawsuit accusing Hillary Clinton of racketeering,” as well as Klayman’s claims that the Clintons “orchestrated the murders of several of their associates in the 1990’s”:

In the 1990s, Klayman reportedly filed at least 18 lawsuits against the Clinton administration, accusing them of various conspiracies, and has filed “hundreds of lawsuits against federal agencies, White House officials, Cabinet secretaries, judges, journalists, former colleagues, foreign governments, dictators, presidents,” his own mother, and The Washington Post.

The Week explained in 2013 that Klayman, “implied the Clintons orchestrated the murders of several of their associates in the 1990s, a prime reason he has argued Hillary is unfit to be president.”

As reported by The Washington Post, in 2014, Klayman premised a lawsuit on the concept that “The Ebola virus is secretly a biological weapon allowed into the country by the Obama administration to further terrorist interests against Americans of the 'Caucasian race and Jewish-Christian religion.'” Klayman described President Obama in a lawsuit as “not even a naturalized U.S. citizen and thus is in the United States illegally,” and described Obama's birth certificate as a “fraud.” In order “to maintain the confidence of the American people and for the benefit of the country's democratic system,” Klayman subsequently petitioned the government to “initiate removal and deportation proceedings” against the president. Klayman has referred to President Obama as “mullah in chief” and accused “Obama and his Muslim friends” of “literally 'making love' with each other.” He called Obama “our first 'Muslim' president” who “has joined with Palestinians to now knock off Israel.”

In a 2013 protest at the White House, Klayman told the audience that President Obama should “put the Quran down,” “get up off his knees” and “come out with his hands up.”

A month later, Klayman held the “Second American Revolution” rally in Lafayette Park across from the White House, which sought to force the resignation of President Obama and other top Congressional leaders.

Klayman was at one point barred from practicing law in New York City, because he suggested that an Asian-American judge was unable to rule impartially in a case due to his race.

Fox News’ initial report on the lawsuit ignored Klayman’s conspiracy theorist background, and role in this lawsuit.