“Kidding” O'Reilly on consequences of trying Maliki protester in “Factor tribunal”: “She'll be swimming with the fishes”

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Discussing Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin's vocal protest during Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki's July 26 address to Congress, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly suggested that if it were up to him to administer Benjamin's punishment for “disrupting Congress,” "[s]he'll be swimming with the fishes." While O'Reilly immediately added that he was “just kidding,” he had earlier asked Fox News correspondent Major Garrett: “Can we send her to Guantánamo?”

From the July 26 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

O'REILLY: In the “Impact” segment tonight, Prime Minister Maliki addressed the House and Senate today. He's the prime minister of Iraq, I should have mentioned that. Thanking the USA for its efforts in his country. But there were some catcalls.

[begin video clip]

BENJAMIN: They want the troops to leave! Bring them home now!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The chair notes the disturbance in the gallery. The sergeant in arms will secure order by removing those engaging in disruption.

[end video clip]


O'REILLY: Joining us now from Washington, reaction to all this, Fox News correspondent Major Garrett. First of all, the -- that was Code Pink, right, the crazy group that disrupted the --

GARRETT: One protester, Bill, one only, caught on camera, escorted out. A minor deal.

O'REILLY: Going to be charged?

GARRETT: Yes, with disturbing Congress.


GARRETT: Disrupting Congress.

O'REILLY: That's a pretty serious charge, because that's a Capitol offense. That's not local D.C. police, right?

GARRETT: That's Capitol police. It'll be dealt with quickly and largely forgotten.

O'REILLY: OK. Can we send her to Guantánamo, is that possible? I guess not.

GARRETT: I'll leave that up to you, Bill.

O'REILLY: All right. Well, if it's up to me, she's -- come on, Major! You don't give her that. Don't give her the Factor tribunal. She'll be swimming with the fishes. Just kidding, of course.