Gibson on Rumsfeld's resignation: Are bin Laden and Saddam “dancing”?

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While discussing Donald H. Rumsfeld's resignation as secretary of defense with Fox News military analyst Oliver North on the November 8 edition of Fox News' The Big Story, host John Gibson asked: “Is there a cave somewhere in Afghanistan with a tall guy dancing? Is there a cell in Iraq with a bearded guy dancing?” Gibson was presumably referring to Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, respectively. Responding to Gibson, North claimed: “If they are, John, they ought to be very careful about where they dance” because U.S. troops are “looking for those kinds of terrorists” and will “kill them just as sure tomorrow as they would when Don Rumsfeld was secretary of defense.”

From the November 8 edition of Fox News' The Big Story with John Gibson:

GIBSON: Ollie, there was a picture today of Don Rumsfeld leaving the Pentagon kind of slumped over, looked depressed, going out to his car. Is there a cave somewhere in Afghanistan with a tall guy dancing? Is there a cell in Iraq with a bearded guy dancing?

NORTH: If they are, John, they ought to be very careful about where they dance, because nothing has changed on the ground. The troops that are out there looking for those kinds of terrorists are still looking today. And they'll kill them just as sure tomorrow as they would when Don Rumsfeld was secretary of defense.