Fox News host Megyn Kelly denounced the scene of a young African American protester standing in front of a police officer during a peaceful protest in Chicago following the announcement that police officer Jason Van Dyke was charged with the first-degree murder of an African American teen.
MEGYN KELLY (HOST): I just want to jump in as we're seeing an extraordinary moment. Look what's happening here.
BERNARD KERIK: Listen, you're going to have guys like this. You know they want to instigate, they want to create a --
RICHARD FOWLER: What is he instigating? Bernie, I'm sorry I've got to interrupt.
KELLY: But Richard look at him. This is a cop out there accused of doing nothing wrong, trying to keep the peace.
FOWLER: This guy is having a silent protest with this police officer. This is his first amendment right.
KELLY: He gets right in his face and stares him down? This cop hasn't done anything wrong.
FOWLER: That is his first amendment right, Megyn.
KELLY: To get in a cops face and stare him down?
FOWLER: And you out of all people, Megyn, believe in protecting -- this is his first amendment right. I don't understand.
KELLY: You think that's fine? You have no problem with this?
FOWLER: This is his first amendment right. This biggest problem here is --
KELLY: It's not a question of what his constitutional rights are. It's a question of what's appropriate.
FOWLER: And I see nothing wrong with this.