In his regular Monday appearance on Fox & Friends, Donald Trump promoted “Dine with the Donald,” a fundraising contest for GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney in which donors to Romney's campaign are entered for a chance to win a stay at the Trump Tower and a dinner with Trump and Romney. During the segment, Trump touted a previous event in which he “raised a lot of money for Ann Romney” while the three co-hosts allowed Trump to promote his upcoming fundraiser. From Fox & Friends:
TRUMP: The big dinner is going to be the Trump dinner. You know that, dine with Donald, you know that. Well, Mitt Romney and the whole group came up with a plan. They were looking for a big celebrity, and then somebody said, “we have the biggest celebrity. It's Trump.”
They said, “you're right.” And they're having a dinner, dine with Trump, and it's going to be like in a month, and I'm going to be involved in a dinner. And I hear it's selling like hot cakes. And Mitt Romney is going to join us for the dinner. And I think it's going to make a lot of money.
This promotion of this Romney fundraiser comes less than a week after Fox & Friends aired a Fox-produced, four-minute anti-Obama attack ad. This is also hardly the first time that Fox and its guests have promoted pro-GOP fundraisers.