Steve Doocy and David Perdue fearmonger about Bernie Sanders, even likening his platform to Nazi Germany
Purdue: “It's the same thing that the Soviets did in Russia, the Germans did in '33, the Cubans did in '59 and even Venezuela today”
From the February 24, 2020, edition of Fox News’ Fox & Friends
STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): He's promised most recently, free preschool, free health care, free tuition — and of course, legalized pot.
SEN. DAVID PERDUE (R-GA): Well if you look at what he's promising, it's the same thing that the Soviets did in Russia, the Germans did in '33, the Cubans did in '59 and even Venezuela today. It's a lie. And so what we're talking about here, Bernie is promising all this free stuff, Steve, but the very people who he's promising to will be the ultimate payers. They'll be the ones that'll have to pay. Let me give you an example. He says, well, we'll just tax the rich a little more. To just do the Green New Deal, just the Green New Deal would take the entire earned income of America, everybody, including these college students who are going to graduate and get jobs.
DOOCY: Well, I know that we've heard from the president, referring to Bernie Sanders as a socialist for a very long time. And when you look at this poll, and it comes to us from The Wall Street Journal and NBC News, 67% of the country is uncomfortable with a socialist presidential candidate. But Senator, that means that something like 30-something percent of the country is okay with it.
PERDUE: Well, that's the most disturbing thing of our time. And frankly, it's to some degree people coming out of college right now and so forth, that haven't seen a downturn in our economy, or understand how our free-market system works.