“Just Poke A Hole In The Ground”: Has Doocy Already Forgotten Last Year's Oil Spill?

During yet another Fox & Friends segment pushing for more domestic oil drilling, co-host Steve Doocy summed up how Fox News wants the Obama administration to respond to rising gas prices.

Said Doocy: “Just poke a hole in the ground.”

While Media Matters has repeatedly noted that increased domestic drilling would not substantially affect oil prices in the near future, Doocy seems to have already forgotten about what happened last year as a result of “just pok[ing] a hole in the ground.” The Gulf Coast is still feeling the effects of last year's oil spill, the largest in U.S. history. For example:

  • The devastation of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill was extreme, and the environment is still suffering as a result. Studies continue to show the effects of the spill, as well as the proposed methods of cleaning it up.
  • There continue to be recreational, commercial fishing, oyster fishing, and federal closures around the area affected by the oil spill.
  • Many animals affected by the oil spill are just now showing signs of health problems, including an ongoing “spike in dolphin deaths along the Gulf Coast.”
  • The Gulf continues to be in such poor shape that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal recently announced a $12 million investment in emergency restoration funding for Louisiana's Gulf Coast.

So, less than a year has passed since the Gulf oil spill, and Fox is already dismissing drilling as “just pok[ing] a hole in the ground,” despite having seen what an oil related disaster can do.