Fox & Friends' Voter Fraud Expert Is A Conspiracy Theorist Who Claimed The DOJ Was Hostile To White People
Fox News' Steve Doocy hosted discredited right-wing fabulist and former Department of Justice attorney J. Christian Adams, who claimed that “we have four million … ineligible and dead voters on American voter rolls,” which will ”affect the election." Adams’ appearance on Fox comes as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has pushed unsubstantiated claims of “large scale voter fraud.” In fact, one study found only 31 instances of potential voter fraud in 1 billion votes cast between 2000 and 2014, and, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, most cases of alleged voter fraud by dead people are not true. While “there are a handful of cases in which documentation shows that votes have been cast in the names of voters who have died before the vote was submitted” the more common answer is that there was a clerical error or people with the same name were mixed up. Adams also failed to acknowledge that, although voter rolls may include some dead people, that doesn’t mean votes are being cast in their names.
Adams became a right-wing media favorite after he resigned from the Department of Justice upon its decision not to pursue voter-intimidation charges against members of the New Black Panther Party, claiming they were “hostil[e] ... to bringing cases on behalf of white victims for the benefit of national racial minorities.” Adams frequently took to right-wing media, particularly Fox's America Live with Megyn Kelly, to push the phony scandal that the Justice Department dismissed the charges out of a “fixation on racial grievance.” The Department of Justice's ethics office found “no evidence” to support his claims, and he has been thoroughly discredited as a Republican activist. From the October 18 edition of Fox & Friends: