Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy cited a report from Breitbart to allege that settlement money from Department of Justice lawsuits against large corporations “is winding up in the pockets of people who have been politically aligned with the political left.” Breitbart's report is based on a July 28 internal memo obtained by the pro-Trump website regarding the department's new policy prohibiting civil and criminal settlements from including payments to non-governmental third parties. The memo instructs the associate attorney general to also “review past settlement agreements that included payments to non-governmental third parties.” As HuffPost pointed out, the new policy “will hurt nonprofit groups that provide services to communities hurt by corporate wrongdoing like mortgage fraud and environmental abuses,” including La Raza, the Urban League, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, and Habitat for Humanity:
In reality, the Department of Justice was using its settlements to help fund advocacy groups that fought for the people and communities hurt by the wrongdoing the DOJ was attempting to correct. Often, that meant funding groups that work to help the poor and minorities fight against foreclosure and help facilitate reinvestment in the communities devastated by bank fraud.
The logic of the settlement practice was that when, for instance, a mega-bank wreaks foreclosure havoc on a poor neighborhood through mortgage fraud, forcing the bank to pay groups that work on behalf of the victimized community would help repair some of the damage and make the community less susceptible to fraud in the future.
Right-wing media have previously attacked the Justice Department's handling of these types of settlements and called payments to these organizations a “slush fund” for liberal groups. From the August 7 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends: