Right-wing bloggers trumpet Swiss ban on minaret construction as “VICTORY!”

Right-wing bloggers have cheered a Swiss referendum establishing a constitutional ban on the construction of minarets. The bloggers have termed this prohibition on building new mosque towers a “VICTORY!” that demonstrates that the Swiss have “at least partial immunity to the European Malaise.”

Bloggers applaud Swiss election results

Geller says the Swiss “had the spine to take back their country,” declares “VICTORY!” In a November 29 post to her Atlas Shrugs blog -- headlined “VICTORY! SWISS BAN MOSQUE MINARETS IN A LANDSLIDE VOTE” -- Pamela Geller commented: “The Swiss have hand [sic] enough. They actually had the spine to take back their country. I wonder how the religion of peaceniks will react...in their usual tolerant and pacifist manner?”

Jawa Report: Supporters of referendum “demonstrate at least partial immunity to the European Malaise.” In a November 29 post, The Jawa Report blogger The Old Man of the Mountain wrote: “57% of Swiss voters demonstrate at least partial immunity to the European Malaise. The remaining 43% will be readily identified by the drool frozen in gobs at the corners of their mouths as they stare longingly at window displays of Odeur de ChevreTM brand articles de toilette.”

Sweetness & Light: "[T]he protesters are right. It's not their Switzerland." In a November 29 post, Sweetness & Light's Steve Gilbert commented of the referendum, “Let's hope that the Muslims aren't so offended that they pull all of their drug money out of their Swiss bank accounts.” After noting that the Associated Press reported that “About 300 people turned out for a spontaneous demonstration on the square outside parliament, holding up signs saying, 'That is not my Switzerland,' ” Gilbert added: “For once the protesters are right. It's not their Switzerland.”

RedState: Ban indicates “worries” about “militant Islam are global.” In a November 29 post, RedState managing editor Erick Erickson linked to an AP article about the referendum, commenting, “Wow, worries about jihad and militant Islam are global.”