RNC Communications Director Lauds Trump's Appointment Of Breitbart News' Chairman To Help Lead Campaign

Sean Spicer: Bannon “Knows How To Run An Organization And Run A Business” And Breitbart News “Get[s] Across Millions And Millions Of Viewers”

From the August 17 edition of CNN's Wolf:

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BRIANNA KEILAR (HOST): And I know that obviously you were well apprised of this news, that Donald Trump has appointed Steve Bannon as his campaign's chief executive. What do you think of this move?

SEAN SPICER: I think it's a healthy addition, as well as Kellyanne Conway. At this point, adding more senior folks as we head into this final stretch. The last 83 days are going to be crucial. Having people that can be traveling with Mr. Trump, as Kellyanne will be doing, and making sure that those strategic decisions adding to the team that's already in place, with Paul Manafort at the top, is a healthy sign of a campaign that understands what needs to occur as we head down in these final days. 

KEILAR: You have been a big defender of Donald Trump in your role at the RNC, but you're also seen as someone with a long history in the Republican establishment and Bannon is someone who is the executive chairman of Breitbart News. He's been no friend to the Republican establishment. You actually -- this site attacked House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. How concerned are you about this fueling more intra-party chaos?

SPICER: Well I think Steve fully understands the pulse of the grassroots. That's what's largely driving this Trump campaign. And frankly, that's what's at the frustration that's going through this country right now. The reason that Donald Trump frankly has done so well is because he has tapped into a frustration, frankly, anger that the American people have with the government that's not responsive to them. And Steve through his work at Breitbart and other places understands that, but he also knows how to run an organization and run a business, a successful operation. And I think that's what he's bringing to this. An understanding of the grassroots and an understand of how to put a successful operation together and get that message across. I mean you've got to give it to Breitbart. They get across millions and millions of viewers on Breitbart TV, on the website, and that's largely been at the direction of Steve. So he understands the new world that we live in, how to communicate a message effectively, and how to tap into people who a lot of people who frankly feel that this government doesn't understand the frustration that they have, why they haven't seen a living wage, why we're signing deals and have regulations in place that frankly don't seem to put America first. And I think that's what Donald Trump has tapped really into.


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