Jordan Peterson: “I think the gay community was a hell of a lot better off when they were oppressed by the heterosexual monogamists than when they're allied with the trans activists”
Peterson: “If there's a case of mass abuse of the gay community, the most egregious examples of ... that mass abuse is occurring at the hands of the trans activists, not the heterosexual monogamists”
From the June 1, 2023, edition of The Daily Wire's The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
JORDAN PETERSON (HOST): So now, Michael Knowles recently got in trouble for some words he uttered in relationship to eradication and that spilled over, to some degree, into your domain. Do you wanna walk us through that particular brouhaha?
MATT WALSH (DAILY WIRE HOST): Yeah, yeah he -- yeah, he -- of course, it was the left, and I think it started -- usually, it starts with Media Matters. I'm not sure who started it this time, but someone pulled the clip from his -- I think it was a CPAC speech, where he said that we -- I believe his exact words are we need to -- kind of a similar message to what I was just talking about. Yes, we wanna protect the kids. That's our first goal, but it doesn't end there. Trans ideology itself we have to defeat. And so, we wanna eradicate trans ideology from public life. And so, it's the ideology that we're attacking. And, of course, people interpret that, I think, in a willfully ignorant way, they interpret that as, well, we wanna kill trans people. Which, of course, is completely absurd. And especially because the first victims of trans ideology are the trans identified people themselves. They're the first ones who are victimized by it. So, we're -- we -- for their own sake, first and foremost, we want to eradicate this ideology. But, obviously, there's nothing genocidal there. The real genocide -- and I gave a college talk recently where I tried to make this case, that the real -- going back to the suicide epidemic, which is a real problem among trans identified people. But the real genocide when it comes to trans identified people is it's like a self-genocide. It is a community erasing itself.
PETERSON: Well, it's even more demented than that, I would say. You know, we've been fed this activist nonsense nonstop at an ever accelerating rate for 30 years that the LGBTQ ever-expanding Alphabet domain is a community. And first of all, it's not a community at all. Community is based on a set of shared practices, let's say, in shared institutions, and shared values, let's say, and not merely on a set of infinitely expandable, subjectively identified proclivities. And so -- and then worse than that, all the letters that hypothetically exist in this glorious rainbow don't exist peacefully without conflict. And -- and here's the damning problem.
Ken Zucker, who is probably the world's leading expert on gender dysmorphia in children and who had his reputation salvaged and his career destroyed by pathological narcissistic activists -- who he eventually defeated in court in Canada, by the way -- noted long ago, before all of this became whatever the hell it is now that the proper default treatment for kids with bodily dysmorphia was to leave them the hell alone till they were 18. And he established that as a consequence of careful research analysis in a non-political manner. And I say that because Zucker's an old school clinical psychologist, and he was, essentially, a research scientist and he ran a gender dysphoria treatment clinic up in Toronto, the foremost of its kind in the world, and was also the lead editor of the most prominent scientific journal dealing with transgender matters. So Zucker was actually as close to a reasonable scientific ally of the transgender community as had ever emerged. And what he observed as a consequence of his decades of work was that, first of all, the best thing to do with kids with body dysmorphia was to just leave them the hell alone till they were 18. And the reason for that was, well, first of all, the first reason was that about 80 percent of them ended up gay. And so, part of the reason they were bodily dysmorphic when they were very young is because they were homosexual, and there was some tension between their emerging sexual proclivity and their -- and their biological reality, at least in contrast to what was normative. 80 percent of them would grow up to be gay. So -- and that's not that surprising really, is it? That hyper-feminine little boys who are that way by temperament are going to grow up to be homosexual. And on the other side, the female front, that the hyper-masculine girls are gonna be -- grow up butchy and more likely to be attracted to girls. I don't think that's a real surprise to anybody. But the fact that it's 80 percent is quite the statistic. And what that means is that 80 percent of the kids who are being transformed surgically are gay.
And so, if there's a genocide, so to speak -- and there isn't. But if there's a case of mass abuse of the gay community, the most egregious examples of those mass -- that mass abuse is occurring at the hands of the trans activists, not the heterosexual monogamists. I think the gay community was a hell of a lot better off when they were oppressed by the heterosexual monogamists than when they're allied with the trans activists.