As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push MANDATED Medicine!
— Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email (@va_shiva) March 9, 2020
Sean Hannity: It “may be true” that the “deep state” is using coronavirus to manipulate markets, suppress dissent and push mandated medicines
Sean Hannity: It “may be true” that the “deep state” is using coronavirus to manipulate markets, suppress dissent and push mandated medicines

Audio file
From the March 11, 2020, edition of Premiere Radio's The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY: Gateway Pundit points out that as of yesterday that the President's approval rating is fine and he's getting pretty good grades on everything else. There's an MIT guy I noticed on Twitter, and you know he's saying pretty much the same thing he does research nearly every single day on immune systems he said quote "coronavirus fear-mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest frauds to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, and push mandated medicines." May be true.