Fox News really doesn't want you to get tested for COVID-19
Widespread testing for the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is crucial to understanding and responding to the pandemic. Testing data shows where it has spread, how rapidly, and who is the most vulnerable to the disease, and charting a safe and rapid path away from shelter-in-place policies is impossible without this information. Nevertheless, Fox News, dedicated to putting a pro-Trump spin on every issue regardless of science or truth, finds itself in a position where it must attack the very idea of widespread testing in order to protect its key audience of one: President Donald Trump.
It took until nearly three months into the coronavirus pandemic for the Trump administration to put forth a strategic national plan for testing, and it mostly consisted of delegating the responsibility to state governments while committing the absolute bare minimum in federal aid. Experts told The New York Times that the level of testing the Health and Human Services Department suggests is appropriate for reopening -- 300,000 people a day -- is dramatically lower than what is needed in the reality on the ground. A recent study from National Public Radio found that the administration's promise to put COVID testing sites in retail stores across the country has been underwhelming at best. And state governors, left out to dry by the Trump administration, have resorted to sometimes dramatic methods of acquiring enough tests for their constituents. The Trump administration’s report also directs states to follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has fumbled testing since the early days of the crisis and has yet to demonstrate that the agency is up to the task.
Even a limited approach to testing focused on high-risk communities such as nursing homes and meat processing facilities, where people have been devastated by COVID-19, would require a massive investment from the federal government. The American Health Care Association and the National Center for Assisted Living estimate that testing every U.S. nursing home resident and staff member just once would cost $440 million. In order to safely move forward with reopening the country, high-risk communities and outbreak clusters would need to be tested on a regular basis, as the timing of COVID testing has proven to be crucially important in understanding the outbreak. And the testing infrastructure that does already exist may leave out the most vulnerable -- a recent investigation by NPR “found that in four out of six of the largest cities in Texas, testing sites are disproportionately located in whiter neighborhoods,” while the virus has disproportionately impacted Black people.
Instead of addressing these massive challenges by simply reporting on them in a straightforward way, Fox News is spinning the United States’ failure to widely test its citizens by arguing that mass testing is simply unnecessary, and claiming that implementing such a policy is “impossible” or “ridiculous” -- as well as inventing an anti-Trump, anti-capitalist conspiracy of Democrats and the media to blame for the failures of widespread testing.