What Will Larry King Departure Mean?

Watching Larry King announce his departure from his 25-year show on Tuesday night, and constantly refer to the fact he will “still be around” and “I'll do specials” gave me a very uncomfortable feeling.

While King says it was his decision, with his contract not up until mid-2011, it certainly looked like he did not want to go. Speculation has already begun about whether he was pushed or totally agreed with the situation.

With his ratings falling and CNN already shaking things up elsewhere in the prime time line-up, it would not be a surprise if they urged him to depart a little early.

But his departure also means the loss of one of CNN's best shows. Yes, King would softball many people, but he had a knack for being able to interview anyone, from foreign officials to celebrities, and did what few interviewers do: listen.

Speculation that Ryan Seacrest will take over draws an immediate thumbs down from me. But it is clear they will likely go with an opinionated talker or celebrity type over a true news interview. The fact that Katie Couric was in talks, or at least in speculation, indicates some hope a news person will come in.

Either way, King's departure is significant and it has yet to be seen if it will be good for CNN, and good for viewers.

Below, one of my favorite King shows: