Watch Khizr Khan's heartfelt condemnation of the White House’s treatment of Gold Star families

Khizr Khan: “There is no compass in the White House. It is compassless ship on sail”

From the October 23 edition of CNN's Anderson Cooper 360:

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ANDERSON COOPER (HOST): First of all when you heard General Kelly make those comments I wondered what you thought. Do you think he was referencing you?

KHIZR KHAN: I don't know what he was referencing to but he was doing exactly same thing what he was complaining about.

COOPER: How so?

KHAN: Bringing gold star families, their tragedy, their sacrifice to this political expediency. His appearance in defense of Donald Trump at that moment, moment of tragedy in America where my four brave sons so bravely lost their lives under very difficult circumstances instead of honoring them and restraining from political expediency, John Kelly, citizen John Kelly now we honor his service, we honor his family's service but now he is a citizen of this nation. He was using those examples for political expediency in defense of Donald Trump.


It is sad, it is, it indicates something very serious and that is that there is no compass in the White House. It is compassless ship on sail. Whatever, whoever thinks, we were told the other day in the White House that we cannot, our media, our press, the fourth pillar of democracy cannot question a retired military officer. Why not? That is not the tradition of the United States democracy. The military officers, when they serve honorably, they retire, they go home and they collect their pension but not in these cases, especially John Kelly. He has come to defend, first he goes to DHS to implement the unconstitutional executive orders of Donald Trump that are challenged in the court system now. Then he comes from there, White House and rest of the nation was hoping that there'd be some sanity, some direction, some compass to this White House. But then he gets colored in the color of Donald Trump, misstating things, political expediency, this is very unfortunate.


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