Charlie Kirk tells audience to vote in “rigged” elections

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Citation From a March 9, 2023, TPUSA Event, posted to YouTube

QUESTIONER: And I want to thank you for standing up against the woke Democrat mafia here in Chicago. It's so important. And for saying the truth that the 2016 election was rigged. It was stolen. And that is why --

CHARLIE KIRK (TPUSA PRESIDENT): No, twenty. 2020. You said sixteen. 

QUESTIONER: What's that? 2016. Right?

KIRK: No, 20. 

QUESTIONER: 2020. I'm sorry. I'm so nervous, Charlie. I'm so excited to speak to you. I'm so sorry. 

KIRK: I like 16. 16 was good. 

QUESTIONER: 2020. Yes, the 2020 election was rigged. It was stolen. Yes, no. It was stolen, right? And I want to thank you for standing up for that. And that's why when the 2022 elections came around, I told all of my friends and family, I said, there's only one way to stop this woke Democrat mafia, and that is to boycott these elections because they're never going to hear us --

KIRK: No, no, no, no.

QUESTIONER: If we don't really stop from participating in their lie. It's a farce. It's a farce. And why should we participate? You said it yourself. Why should we participate?

KIRK: Okay, let me – let me tell you why. So, I love the energy. You buttered me up perfectly, right? But I got to disagree. It is not rational to stop engaging in the civic process that decides who is in charge –

QUESTIONER: But it's rigged. It's rigged.

KIRK: Hold on. Even if it's – hold on. Just one second. Even if it is rigged, okay? Even if it is rigged, going through a tradition of voting at least opens an opportunity, a chance, a micron that you actually might still be able to have representative government. What you are doing, respectfully, is a guarantee that you'll never have a voice. The other side yearns – hear me our – they yearn for a day where we decide to stop voting ourselves because we're so disenfranchised So, it's a chicken and the egg thing. But the right answer is not to stop, you know, stop showing up and boycotting all that. It's a guarantee the other side will win in that regard.

QUESTIONER: it makes no sense to me. It makes no sense to me just because, like, we know they're stealing our votes. Here in Chicago, they say vote early and often because the Democrat mob is stealing the vote. They make sure they control these elections. We have no power here. There's no point in voting. So I say we have to resist this. We have to fight this. We have to find other ways because we just can't vote. It can't be the only answer.

KIRK: You know I don't think it's the only answer. However, the other side is salivating that our best and most reliable patriots --

QUESTIONER: But they're winning anyway.

KIRK: Will disenfranchise themselves.