Media Matters searched transcripts in the SnapStream video database for all original episodes of ABC’s Good Morning America, World News Tonight, and This Week; CBS’ Mornings, Evening News, and Face the Nation; and NBC’s Today, Nightly News, and Meet the Press for any of the terms “Trump,” “former President,” “Vance,” “nominee,” or “candidate” within close proximity of any of the terms “Obama care,” “Obamacare,” “health care,” “healthcare,” “Affordable Care Act,” “ACA,” or “insurance” or any variations of any of the terms “condition,” “pre-existing,” “cover,” “risk,” or “pool” from September 16, 2024, the day after GOP vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance outlined the campaign's health care plan on NBC's Meet the Press, through September 30, 2024.
We timed segments, which we defined as instances when Vance’s comments were the stated topic of discussion or when we found significant discussion of the comments. We defined significant discussion as instances when two or more speakers in a multitopic segment discussed Vance's comment with one another.
We also timed mentions, which we defined as instances when a single speaker in a segment on another topic mentioned Vance's comments without another speaker in the segment engaging with the comment, and teasers, which we defined as instances when the anchor or host promoted a segment about Vance's comments scheduled to air later in the broadcast.
We rounded all times to the nearest minute.