Fox's Brit Hume claims Supreme Court’s 2000 Florida decision has since been “vindicated”
Hume: “Recounts done by private organizations and so forth vindicated that decision by the Supreme Court”
From the November 2, 2020, edition of Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier
BRIT HUME: Well, it looks like there could be legal challenges in Pennsylvania. Of course, as you recall Bret, when that happened in Florida, they broke out all over the state as results were being -- had been counted, but that recounts were being sought by the Democrats in the parts of the state where they thought they would harvest some -- some previously undiscovered votes. They didn't want a recount in the places where they didn't think that, and the battle raged, as you remember, Bret, for 37 days before it was finally settled when the Supreme Court said this is not being done properly and called it all off at that point.
George W. Bush who had been declared the winner on election night was the winner, and all later recounts done by private organizations and so forth vindicated that decision by the Supreme Court.