What “reporting” did Breitbart do on the Sherrod story?

Because I sure didn't see any.

Breitbart received a tape from a “source,” sat on the tape for months, never tried to verify the contents, never provided readers with any context, never reached out to the subject of the tape, did no additional fact-finding, and then posted the tape online and labeled the subject a racist.

Again, where was the reporting? Where was the journalism? Isn't Breitbart now facing possible legal action precisely because he refused to engage in any reporting with regards to the Sherrod story?

It seems that way to me. So I had to chuckle reading a post at the Breitbart apologist site, Right Wing News, where the legal eagles announced any lawsuit filed by Shirley Sherrod against Breirbart would be a “waste of time.” Right Wing News even got a quote from an attorney to back up its claim [emphasis added]:

The burden for public figures to recover for defamatory reporting -- even when it is false -- is so high that it is effectively insurmountable. There's nothing I've heard so far about this case that would suggest why that general rule would not apply here.

That may be all well and good. But again, we're not talking about Breitbart's “reporting” (even the defamatory kind) because he didn't do any. And no, Breitbart isn't a reporter or a journalist. He's simply a private citizen who smears people.

But please, if I'm missing something and right-wing bloggers can point out any reporting Breitbart did with regards to Sherrod story before he published his smear campaign, please fill me in.