Breitbart wants “closure”? Tell it to ACORN

Andrew Breitbart this week uncorked his favorite whine about how Tea Party members have been falsely portrayed as racists and he can't sleep at night knowing that injustice has been done; that he's on a mission for “closure,” and that as God as his witness blah, blah, blah.

You can read the whole production here. It's really a piece of work. (He's so dramatic.)

Of course what's so comical about the plea for justice is that Breitbart himself is coming off one of the most bungled smear campaigns of all time with regards to the Shirley Sherrod case, which means Breitbart is probably the least convincing person in America today to be demanding restitution in terms of clearing people's names.

But also keep in mind that Breitbart's original claim to fame, as it were, was last year's ACORN video hoax in which he falsely portrayed community advocates and smeared them as corrupt and incompetent. The entire point of the ACORN hoax was to condemn the organization and its supporters. But because neither Breitbart, nor his acolytes James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, were able to get the goods on ACORN during their undercover video sting, the three of them colluded and improved the sting by blatantly and purposefully presenting the tapes in such a way so that a false, albeit pleasing right-wing, story was told.

To this day, Breitbart refuses to release the unedited ACORN videos because, I suspect, the real story does not match the one he told last year. Thankfully, we've had independent reviews of the tapes and those conclusions have been clear: The Breitbart videos were selectively edited in order to tell a damning story he wanted to tell.

But the damage was done to ACORN, which came under extraordinary from the press and the government, and today no longer really exists in the form that it did pre-Breitbart. Its reputation was destroyed. All because of a dishonest smear campaign that purposefully hid the truth from plain sight.

So when Breitbart these days launches into full moan mode about how poor Tea Partiers have had their reputations unfairly maligned and that their honor and reputations must to be restored, you know what I say to that? I say they should get in line behind the people who used to work for ACORN.