Breitbart Blogger Jim Hoft Doesn't Want Mubarak Supporters Blamed For Violence

The more Jim Hoft reveals about the weird world he occupies, the more disturbing it becomes.

Case in point. It was widely reported that supporters of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak unleashed violence on the pro-democracy demonstrators in Cairo yesterday, resulting in hundreds of injuries and widespread destruction. If there was one point of agreement on Wednesday, it was that Mubarak's “thugs” were to blame for the violence.

Cue Jim Hoft, who may be the only quasi, pro-Mubarak blogger in America today:

Of course, the state-run media is blaming this on Mubarak supporters(?)

By “state-run media” though, Hoft wasn't referring to Egypt's state-run media. Instead, the link he published sent readers to a Time dispatch. See, it's the American “state-run media” that were “blaming” Mubarak supporters. A claim that appeared to confuse Hoft: "(?)" (Based on his incoherent blog posts, Hoft seemed to want the press to blame the Cairo violence on the Muslim Brotherhood, even though that's not accurate.)

Hmm, let's take a look at the various news organizations that reported as fact that Mubarak supporters clashed violently with reform protesters in Cairo. Let's see who else is part of the U.S. “state-run media” that's misleading Hoft's readers:

Fox News

Wall Street Journal

Washington Times

New York Post

The Weekly Standard

And yes, for the record, those are all proudly conservative outlets. And yes, they all reported on Mubarak's supporters.

As for mainstream, traditional news organizations, I would challenge Hoft to find a single recognizable news outlet anywhere in the world that did not report the fact that Mubarak supporters attacked the Cairo crowd.

But according to Breitbart's shining star, Jim Hoft, they're all part of the “state-run media.” Question for Breitbart: Where do you find these characters?