Trump Supporters Howie Carr and Mark Simone Attack Megyn Kelly's Appearance Following Her Trump Meeting

Donald Trump supporters Howie Carr and Mark Simone attacked Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly, saying she “looks like everybody’s ex-wife in court” and that she is no longer attractive because she has a more “manicured” look.

On the April 14 edition of his radio show, Mark Simone hosted fellow Trump supporter and Boston radio host Howie Carr. Simone, who has said disparaging remarks about Fox News host Megyn Kelly several times in the past few days, asked Carr what he thought about Trump meeting with Kelly on April 13. Simone said Kelly “came crawling” back to Trump and then began discussing her looks, asking, “Doesn’t she scare you?” and saying “she looks like everybody’s ex-wife in court.” Carr responded by saying that he “liked her better when she had the … less manicured, the less made-up look” and that she “doesn’t attract me as much as her old look used to.” Listen:

MARK SIMONE (HOST): She came crawling, I guess.

HOWIE CARR: I don’t know, it’s good for both sides, isn’t it, to have a rapprochement.


SIMONE: Doesn’t she scare you a little? She looks like everybody’s ex-wife in court, doesn’t she?

CARR: You know, I used to be on with here sometimes in the afternoon, and you know, I liked her better when she had the sort of -- the less manicured, the less made-up look that she has on at night now. You’re right, she looks just like -- I don’t know what she looks like now, but it doesn’t attract me as much as her old look used to.

SIMONE: No, too tough.

Earlier this week Simone hosted his “longtime friend” Trump to discuss the presidential race, and together they questioned GOP rival Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) eligibility to be president because of Cruz’s birthplace in Canada. Carr has also expressed support for his “friend” Donald Trump and has hosted the candidate at least six times since February 1. Carr has vacationed with Trump at the businessman's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and often uses his radio show to attack Trump’s rivals.