Fox Nation, Wash. Times Label Obama “The Spending Jihadist”

Fox Nation highlighted a Washington Times column that called President Obama an “economic terrorist” and “a spending jihadist.”

A March 5 Fox Nation post highlighted a Washington Times column that accused Obama of making “terroristic threats” over the government spending cuts known as sequestration. The column, written by Charles Hurt, described Obama as an “economic terrorist” and “a spending jihadist,” and claimed that the president “is willing to wreck the economy and inflict dire pain on you all because he is gambling that by trimming the federal government, you will feel pain.”

fox nation hurt

From Hurt's column, headlined “Barack Obama, the spending jihadist”:

Mr. Obama's terroristic threats have been amply noted everywhere. Planes will fall from the skies, starvation in the streets, teachers will be sent home.


That's right, you, the American voter, have become Mr. Obama's voodoo doll, and he is jabbing you all over with sharp pins and placing demonic hexes on you right now as you read this. This is gonna hurt and you are going to feel it!


In four short years, Obama has gone from hopeful orator promising a bright new future to economic terrorist, a spending jihadist. He is willing to wreck the economy and inflict dire pain on you all because he is gambling that by trimming the federal government, you will feel pain. And if you feel that pain, you will blame Republicans.