Daily Caller Exposes Govt. Scheme To Sponsor Gay Art

Adding to their already impressive list of groundbreaking scoops, the Daily Caller has an exclusive report today on the U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria sponsoring a gay film festival. In keeping with the Daily Caller house style, the article stretches to several hundred words without coming near anything resembling a point. They instead list all the movies to be screened and note that the U.S. Embassy will show the Oscar-winning film Milk, starring Sean Penn. Shocking stuff.

The final line of the piece perhaps hints at a point: “The U.S. Embassy did not immediately reply to an email asking how much public money is being spent to sponsor the festival.” Left unexplained is why this information would be noteworthy or scandalous. U.S. embassies sponsor film festivals all over the world without much notice or controversy.

Strange that the Daily Caller would single out this particular film festival for scrutiny...