Dick Morris, Wrong Again

After predicting that Rick Lazio would beat Hillary Clinton in 2000, that New York Republican Senate candidate Jeanine Pirro was such a formidable opponent that Hillary Clinton would drop out of her 2006 re-election campaign rather than face Pirro, that the 2008 presidential general election would pit Clinton against Condi Rice, and that Kirsten Gillibrand was in electoral peril last year, you might think Dick Morris would have the good sense to take a break from making further predictions. But this is Dick Morris we're talking about, so “good sense” doesn't really apply.

Dick Morris, March 11:

It now appears likely that the Democratic Senators will never return to the State Capitol in Madison. They will probably not return to allow passage of the rest of Walker's program but will focus instead on their efforts to recall the Republican Senators and Governor Walker himself.

New York Times, March 12 -- just one day later:

They are the unlikeliest of folk heroes.

But this group of once-obscure lawmakers — a dairy farmer, a lawyer and a woman who is seven months pregnant, among others — that fled this capital nearly a month ago, returned Saturday to the cheers of tens of thousands who once again packed the streets in protest.

Many in the crowd wore buttons or held signs bearing admiring nicknames for the group: the “Fighting 14,” the “Fab 14” or, simply, “the Wisconsin 14.” They chanted, “Thank you” and “Welcome home.”

So, just a day after Dick Morris predicted that something would never happen, it happened. Is there anybody who is better at being wrong than Morris?