The Right's Growing Civil War

The civil war between the far right and the far, far right is getting ugly, as a quick look at Red State's front page makes clear.

First there's this scathing piece in which Red State's Ben Howe blasts the American Conservative Union and Grover Norquist, claiming that “radical Islam” exerts undue “influence” over ACU's board of directors and that “it has become apparent that there are Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers, apologists, and fundamentalists sponsoring and speaking at” CPAC this weekend. Howe goes on to accuse ACU of “sully[ing] the memory” of September 11, 2001 “by pretending it's ok to share a table with groups that apologize, sympathize, justify, or ignore the truth of radical Islamic groups like the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Scroll down a little further and you'll see Red State editor Leon Wolf accusing Red State contributor Melissa Clouthier of trafficking in “anti-Semitism.”

Add those examples to attacks on Glenn Beck by Bill Kristol and Rich Lowry, the schism between Kristol and leading conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and Dick Morris over Egypt, swipes at Sarah Palin in Rupert Murdoch's latest venture, The Daily, and the ongoing feud over which anti-gay conservatives are anti-gay enough, and it's increasingly clear the Right could use a unifying figure to keep everyone focused on common goals. That role has traditionally been played by Grover Norquist, but now that he's taking hits from fellow conservatives for ties to "jihadist money men," it's unclear how effective he can be.