No, Fox, Obama Didn't Take Credit For Bush's Tax Cuts

On Fox & Friends this morning, Fox News contributor Dana Perino and co-host Gretchen Carlson accused President Obama of taking credit for the Bush tax cuts during his pre-Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly.

Here's the thing, though: Obama didn't do that -- at all. In fact, he was taking credit for his own tax cuts.

During the O'Reilly interview, Obama stated, “I didn't raise taxes once, I lowered taxes over the last two years.” And that's absolutely true. The Recovery Act included $288 billion in tax relief for individuals and businesses. And as former Reagan adviser Bruce Bartlett wrote back in March 2010, federal taxes were “very considerably lower by every measure since Obama became president.”

Here's the segment from the O'Reilly interview:

O'REILLY: Here's what the Wall Street Journal said, I want you to react to this. Mr. Obama is a determined man of the left whose goal is to redistribute much larger levels of income across society. He may give tactical ground when he has to, as he did on taxes to avoid a middle class tax increase, but he will resist to his last day any major changes to Obamacare and the other load-bearing walls of the entitlement state.

This is The Wall Street Journal you know painting you as pretty left-wing guy. Are you going to go along?

OBAMA: Well, the Wall Street Journal probably would paint you as a left-wing guy. I mean, if you're talking about the Wall Street Journal editorial page...

O'REILLY: I've got to tell you, that's what this is.

OBAMA: You know, that's like quoting the New York Times editorial...

O'REILLY: Do you deny the assessment? Do you deny that you are a man who wants to redistribute wealth.

OBAMA: Absolutely.

O'REILLY: You deny that?

OBAMA: Absolutely. I didn't raise taxes once, I lowered taxes over the last two years.

O'REILLY: But the entitlements that you championed do redistribute wealth in the sense that they provide insurance coverage for 40 million people that don't have it.

OBAMA: What is absolutely true is I think in this country, there's no reason why, if you get sick you should go bankrupt. The notion that that's a radical principle, I don't think the majority of people would agree with you.

It's clear that during this exchange Obama was not specifically discussing the compromise reached in December to temporarily extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. And that was the only discussion of tax cuts during the interview. But that didn't stop Perino and Carlson from launching their attacks.

Perino twisted Obama's comments to claim that he “took credit for extending tax cuts.” Carlson later echoed Perino, claiming that Obama “took credit for the Bush tax cuts last night.” Of course, Obama didn't do that. He was talking about his own tax cuts.

Fox News has long suffered from Obama tax-cut amnesia, so it's not surprising that Perino and Carlson ignored them again this time in order to attack Obama.