The Blog Post Andrew Breitbart Ought To Take Down

It's also the blog post he should apologize for, especially in the wake of the recent assassination attempt against a Democratic member of Congress. Media Matters last week highlighted the blog post in question as part of our effort to show how in the past, players in the right-wing media were quick to mock and downplay death threats and acts of political violence when the targets were Democrats.

The post was published on Breitbart's site, Big Journalism, last March 25 and it came in the wake of a flurry of detailed and confirmed threats against Democratic members of Congress, as well as acts of vandalism to their offices.

Here was the brief post, in its entirety:

Democrats and the leftist media are all atwitter about alleged threats of violence against Congressmen who voted for ObamaCare. We doubt these threats are actually real and, certainly wouldn't condone them. But, here's a tip: Hey Democrats, if you are worried about an angry public, how about not passing a sweeping government expansion opposed by 70% of the public. Just a thought.

Two inescapable points from the unconscionable post: The threats against Democrats were fabricated and not to be taken seriously. (Ponder the implications of that for a while.) And even if the threats were real, Democrats were to blame for them because Democrats voted for a bill that was unpopular among some.

That's right, it was Rep. Louise Slaughter's fault a brick was thrown through her Niagara Falls, NY office. It was Tom Perriello's (D-VA) fault that his brother's address was erroneously posted online by a Tea Party blogger and that a gas line outside the brother's house was cut. It was Gabrielle Giffords' fault that vandals broke windows in her Arizona office. It was Bart Stupak's (D-MI) fault that someone left a message for him vowing, “You're dead; we know where you live; we'll get you.” It was also Stupak's fault that another message left for him at the time called him a “baby-killing mother fucker.”

According to Breitbart's blog, Democrats were to blame for any threats made against their lives or acts of violence directed towards their property. Why? Because Democrats upset conservative voters. Except that, of course, Breitbart's blog didn't believe the (confirmed) threats were “actually real.”

Like I said, given the events of recent weeks Breitbart needs to take ownership of this reckless post, and the dangerous message it championed, and do the right thing: Apologize and then take it down.