Andrew Malcolm, please define “significant.” And “and.”

Los Angeles Times blogger/former Bush flack Andrew Malcolm writes:

We already knew that BP and its folks were significant contributors to the record $750-million war chest of Barack Obama's 2007-08 campaign.

That's right, if by “BP and its folks,” Malcolm means “BP's folks, but not BP.” See, Obama got $71,000 in contributions from BP employees, but didn't take a dime from the company (corporate contributions to federal candidates are prohibited) or its PAC (Obama didn't take PAC money.)

Oh, and if by “significant contributors,” Malcolm means "one one-hundredth of one percent of Obama's campaign cash." To put that in context: Let's say Andrew Malcolm makes $100,000 a year. One one-hundredth of one precent of his income would be $10. That's how “significant” BP employee contributions to Obama were: They accounted for about ten bucks out out of every $100,000 Obama raised.

So, basically, Malcolm's description is complete bunk. Again.

(Later in the post, Malcolm peddled a remarkably inane conspiracy theory about Rahm Emanuel, Rosa DeLauro's house, and BP. Matt Gertz has already dealt with that nonsense.)