Congratulations! LA Times blogger Andrew Malcolm can count to two

Chalk up another major accomplishment for Laura Bush's former flak, as Malcolm is able to point to exactly two examples of the White House kinda/sorta making suggestions of appointments or a job offer to Democratic candidate who might be convinced of dropping their primary challenges. (Just two? Doesn't Malcolm know that it takes three to make a trend?)

But for Malcolm two Democrats it's a very big deal!!:

As a public service, The Ticket today is officially launching a comprehensive list of Democrats who have not recently been offered jobs by the Obama White House to not do something. It can't be too long a list, so just leave your names in the Comments section

Ha-ha! Get it? Malcolm knows the names of exactly two Democrats in the entire country who were in discussion regarding some sort of possible job or appointment talks with the White House, so he's going to start of list every Democrat has hasn't been.

And naturally, this is Andrew Malcolm so the level of playing dumb in pursuit of blind partisanship is extremely high. Note this passage:

But in the one-party world of Chicago politics that produced the Obama-Emanuel-Jarrett-Axelrod Oval Office cabal, these are meant to be overlooked as the kind of routine, midweek political arrangements that they are back home on Dearborn Street. Seriously, who wouldn't take care of their faux friends in this rough-and-tumble world? It's only taxpayer money.

You mean somebody like Ronald Reagan whose White House once made a routine, midweek job offer to a Republican in exchange for him dropping out of a primary race?:

Sen. S.I. Hayakawa on Wednesday spurned a Reagan administration suggestion that if he drops out of the crowded Republican Senate primary race in California, President Reagan would find him a job.