Politico claims Obama regularly attacks the press; Politico just can't find any examples

As Jamison Foser noted earlier, Politico has a long article today about how the Beltway press corps really, really doesn't like how the Obama White House deals with the press. This passage caught my eye [emphasis added]:

And this attitude, many believe, starts with the man at the top. Obama rarely lets a chance go by to make a critical or sarcastic comment about the press, its superficiality or its short-term mentality.

It just never stops with Obama, right? Except the odd part is that Politico doesn't include a single quote from Obama in which he's been critical of the press, or making a sarcastic comment about it.

Spotting the trend? Me, too. Yesterday I noted that Politico claimed that Obama was suddenly getting very personal in his partisan attacks on his political foes. The problem? Politico couldn't really point to concrete examples to back up that claim.

If Politico is going to make assertions about what Obama is and is not saying, can Politico at least back them up? Seems like Journalism 101.

UPDATED: Turns out the Politico piece is accompanied by a video compilation highlighting (rather tame) comments Obama has made about the press; comments that were not referenced in the article itself.