UPDATED: National Review proves my point about “conservative journalism”

Uh-oh, turns out Greg Pollowitz, the media blogger at National Review Online who criticizes the 'liberal' news media for a living, does not appreciate the fact that I've been highlighting his reckless and erroneous claim from last week that the Secret Service was involved in a “hit-and-run” when one of its agents allegedly hit a conservative blogger as he crossed a street in Washington, D.C..

In truth, the Secret Service was not involved in the incident, and there was no hit-and-run. But other than that, Pollowitz's blog post was dead-on.

I highlighted his blunder as a way to show that “conservative journalists” don't really play by the same rules as actual journalists. They rarely take responsibility for their factual errors, and often gravitate toward anti-government conspiracy theories. And yes, Pollowitz has helped proven my case.

Because here was Pollowitz's Monday response [emphasis added]:

Memo to Eric Boehlert: There will be no correction as there is nothing to correct. Rather than continuing your ridiculous commentary on my blogging about Jim Treacher's car accident, simply scroll down to see everything I've written on the matter.

Honestly. George Soros needs to ask for his money back if this is considered a top issue for Media Matters to cover.

Let me re-print what Pollowitz, without independently confirming a single fact or citing any news source, first wrote about the incident [emphasis added]:

Jim Treacher, a very funny blogger for Tucker Carlson's new Daily Caller website, was involved in a hit-and-run car accident yesterday -- involving the Secret Service.

Pollowitz now claims there is nothing to correct even though (I'll type this part slowly for him) the Secret Service was not involved in the accident and there was no “hit-and-run.” But hey, at least Pollowitz got the name of Treacher's employer correct. (BTW, not even the Daily Caller claims that the Secret Service was involved in a Treacher “hit-and-run.”)

Of course, Pollowitz's continued refusal to correct his plainly erroneous post only highlights my original point about “conservative journalism,” and specifically the state of today's National Review. So for that, I thank him, although I doubt that members of the Secret Service, who are charged with protecting the President of the United States and who Pollowitz casually slandered when it fit his partisan interest, feel the same way.