Newsbuster Sheppard accidentally attacks Newsbusters

Newsbusters Associate Editor Noel Sheppard takes aim at the Associated Press for doing the “inexcusable” -- the wire service “attached to its Sunday piece a tremendously unflattering photo of the former Alaska governor."

Sheppard might want to have a word with his Newsbusters colleagues, who have a habit of using what they clearly think is a “tremendously unflattering photo” of CBS anchor Katie Couric at every opportunity:

Sheppard concludes his post by whining about the AP mentioning that Palin was paid for her speech:

But even worse, the piece concluded, “Her fee was $100,000 for the appearance at the for-profit event.”

Amazing. Could you imagine the AP mentioning how much Nobel Laureate Al Gore or former President Bill Clinton was paid in an article about one of their many speeches?

Is this what the AP sees as fair and balanced?

Tell you what, Noel. You seem busy accidentally attacking your colleagues, so let me Google that for you.