Who let the smart guy on Fox News?

God bless Bill O'Reilly (I know, right?), since he seems to be the only one of FNC's talk show hosts who will even consider (rarely) having an articulate opposing viewpoint on his program. The other night it was Columbia professor and FNC contributor, Marc Lamont Hill, who was invited to discuss the radical right's response to Obama's presidency. And man, was it a revelation to watch (i.e. smart, coherent pushback from the left), even if it only lasted for a couple minutes.

Imagine what somebody like Hill would do to Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity on live national television if given the chance to match wits? (Well, you know what I mean.)

P.S. Since O'Reilly is, kinda/sorta, receiving some County Fair love today, I'm going to summon all my strength and not dismantle his monumentally dumb claim in this clip that today's birthers are just like the people who questioned Bush's Air National Guard record. I'm not going to mention that Bush's own military records prove he went nearly unsupervised for two years and that Bush failed to show up for any duty. I'm not gong to dwell on the fact that Bush refused to take a mandatory physical after becoming a pilot. And I'm not to remind people that Bush went AWOL in April 1972 (he never flew again), the same month that the Air Force announced mandatory drug testing for pilots.

Nope, not gonna do it.