NRO's Andrew McCarthy doesn't read too good

Over at The Corner, McCarthy's busy bashing the Department Homeland Security that warned about possible acts of anti-Semitic violence from lone wolf white supremacists, just like the one that struck the Holocaust Museum. Y'know, the report that also warned about right-wing domestic terrorists, like the one who is accused of assassinating abortion provider Dr. George Tiller, and the right-wing gun nut charged with killing Pittsburgh cops.

But McCarthy's angry because despite that obvious trend of far-right attacks, he's sure the DHS report, which warned about precisely that kind of violence, was somehow off the mark. Whatever you say Andrew.

But this passage was especially embarrassing [emphasis added]:

The DHS report was noxious because it smeared conservatives as bigots and claimed, in the absence of any evidence that “right-wing extremists may be gaining new recruits”

Number of times “conservative” was mentioned in the DHS report? Zero.

Why conservatives continue to see their own reflection in a report that's basically about skinheads and white supremacists remains one of the more troubling political questions of 2009.